Sign up to Volunteer at the Wearable Art Show!!!!
It takes a village to make the Wearable Art Show!!! On average there are about 200 volunteers that help to make the event as awesome as it is!!!!
Options for volunteering include (but are not limited to...) :
- Ticket Seller/Confirmer - sell tickets, confirm tickets, sell drink tokens
- Hat Wearer - you wear a Wearable Art hat with one of the upcoming Wearable theme choices on it, and gather donations from people for their favorite one!
- Roving Drink Ticket Seller - you sell drink tokens to people inside the auditorium which they will use to buy drinks
- Ushers - take tickets - hand out programs, direct people to the proper doors to use during performance, help clean seating area at the end of the performance
- Side Door Monitor - this person keeps everyone out of backstage that is not supposed to be there
- Backstage Person in Black - you literally show up in all black clothes and you are the one that picks up dropped articles of Wearable art, or moves things on stage when needed, or opens curtains for models, etc
- Tear Down the Whole Thing - at the end - you help get everything out of Ted Ferry and to the Arts Council. Its a lot of work and its usually raining and cold. But its fun!!! AND it is so amazingly helpful to have fresh muscles to dismantle the equipment after the long weekend of events!
Anna Peebles is the Volunteer Coordinator Extraordinaire and will be in contact with you shortly!!! Thank you so much for helping to make the Wearable Art Show AWESOME!!!!
If you would like for other Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council events please give us a call!