Ketchikan area Artists and Creatives have been inspiring the communities of this area since the beginning. Whether it is beautifully engineered and created halibut hooks, or the magnificent totem poles of the area, to the stories, poetry and drawings for the inception of the Alaska Magazine, to the creation and evolution of Wearable Art in Alaska artists continue to make the world we live in meaningful and joyful.
This page is still a work in progress and will soon contain an Artist Directory of the area artists, and a catalogue of Public Art in the Ketchikan area, plus artists' resources.
Below are the Calls to Artists listed in deadline order. Local and Regional Calls to Artists are posted as we find them. If you know of a Call that is not listed on this page, please e-mail details to we would love to include it here as a resource to artists!

The Fish Art Contest for persons in grades K-12 is receiving entries until February 28th, 2025.
It is free to enter and only one entry is allowed per person.
Lots of cool prizes!

Two Week Residency: June 12-26, 2025.
Deadline: March 1, 2025
The Wrangell Mountains Center (WMC) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is connecting people with wildlands through art, science, and education in Alaska. The Wrangell Mountains Residency Program aims to support artists of all genres, writers, and inquiring minds. Our organization and community will provide a unique and rustic workspace located in the heart of the nation’s largest national park.
We invite applicants with creative and inquisitive minds who will both add to and benefit from the interdisciplinary efforts at our community hub in McCarthy, Alaska and the surrounding Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve. Artists and writers of all genres and stages in their career are encouraged to apply for our two-week residency. Alaska Native artists, artists from the global majority, artists who are underrepresented and/or marginalized are especially encouraged to apply. The WMC will make selections through a competitive admissions process. We hope to encourage emerging and mid-level career voices as well as mature professionals.
During the residency, the artist will be asked to share their experience with the public by demonstration, talk, or other means. The presentation will depend on the artist’s medium, interests, and experience.

The Voices of the Wilderness artist residency is a unique opportunity. Instead of staying at a remote wilderness cabin, our participating artist are paired with a wilderness specialist and actively engaged in stewardship projecs, such as research, monitoring, and education. The idea is to give artists a sense of the stewarship behind America's public lands, fostering an artistic exploration of these natural and cultural treasures. The hoped-for result is artwork that communicates something of the meaning of these lands.
Residencies open to: Art professionals in all media - visual (two and three dimensional: photographers, sculptors, painters, etc.), audio (musicians, singers, composers), film (video/filmmakers), performance artists, and writers (poets, fiction, essays, storytellers). International artists are welcome to apply.
Residency Period: Typically June through August; dates & length of residencies vary.
Applications are due March 2nd, 2025.

Help the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council celebrate the 50th Blueberry Arts Festival!!!
The Ketchikan Area Arts & Humanities Council invites you to submit up to two designs for the 2025 Festival logo. The logo is featured on the Blueberry Arts Festival T-shirts and is a cherished memento from each year’s Festival. Your artwork will be worn by hundreds of Ketchikanites, will travel the world with our summer visitors, and be featured in all Festival publicity!
• Mail or drop off original artwork to KAAHC, 330 Main St., Ketchikan, AK 99901
or email digital files to by
5:00pm AKST, Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
• Entries must be original design and original artwork
• Entries must be a camera-ready design or image.
• Digital artwork must be in a scalable vector graphic format (EPS).
PDF and JPG files are acceptable.
• The design must incorporate the words:
“50th Annual Blueberry Arts Festival”, “2025”, and “Ketchikan, Alaska”.
Please include the following information with your submission:
Mailing Address
A prize of $500 will be awarded
for the chosen design, plus fame and glory!
Questions? Call 907-225-2211

Proposals are being accepted for the 2025-2026 Main Street Gallery Season at the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council. Proposals can be from individual artists, artists working as a group, and from Curators drawing from artists around their community and beyond.
While the selection process is competitive, KAAHC is dedicated to facilitating emerging artists' ability to apply for and achieve successful exhibitions at the Main Street Gallery. We will assist artists and curators at every level of the proposal process, and of course, going forward as they build their exhibit for display.
The full description of the items needed for submission are linked below.
If you have questions or need assistance please contact us!!!