Thank you for becoming a member of the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council (or for renewing your annual membership!!!). Your support helps keep the programming and the events of the organization happening! Please choose from the suggested memberships, or if you are already a member and wish to upgrade - please hit the UPGRADE button!
Business Membership (non arts business) $140 & up
$140 and Up
This membership includes non-arts businesses,
political candidates and non-local nonprofits
– All “Basic Membership” benefits plus:
– 10% discount on advertising in KAAHC
season programs
– Website link on
– Included in city-wide Art Walks - must feature
local artists in “Pop-up Gallery” - (additional $25
fee applies)
- Business owner is eligible to purchase Wearable Art Show
tickets beginning October 31
This membership includes non-arts businesses,
political candidates and non-local nonprofits
– All “Basic Membership” benefits plus:
– 10% discount on advertising in KAAHC
season programs
– Website link on
– Included in city-wide Art Walks - must feature
local artists in “Pop-up Gallery” - (additional $25
fee applies)
- Business owner is eligible to purchase Wearable Art Show
tickets beginning October 31